2014: A Year in Stitches

You may remember that I deemed 2014 the year to "Finnish em, or Fugget about em'" in reference to my UFO heap (totaling a whopping 14 unfinished knitting projects)  Which did not include the endless blanket project--which I didn't intend to finish for at least 5 years!

Here is an account of my progress:  I finished items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 (Hurrah!) and I promise to finish at least 2 others.  The rest, I'm afraid are destined to become yarn--and may possibly find new life in the 5-year blanket.

As I slowly picked away at my UFO's, I was also creating several new items.  Below is a photo account of my "Year in Stitches":

KIS Designs offered 23 new patterns in 2014 (five of which were in that UFO pile). Not a bad year!  

I didn't do it alone.  I have amazing friends who keep me in stitches and I am so grateful to my super-hero test-knitters:  Barb, Debbie, Becky, Rebecca, Darrel, Lisa, Louise, Margie, Michelle, Dennette, Beth, Theresa, Diane and Carmen for their expert knitting skills--as well as their editing eagle-eyes!  Thank you all so much for your encouragement and willingness to lend your needles to the cause. 

Thank you also to my wonderful models:  Caleb, Anna, Savannah, Ian, Velvet, Sydney, Jocelyn, Tabitha, Carly, Sara and Erica.  Thank you all for braving the rain, wind and blistering sun. You are beautiful!

I look forward to 2015 and have already gotten a jump-start on my projects.  3 new patterns are out for testing and 5 more are in the works.  And of course, I look forward to making a bit of progress on the 5-year blanket--after all, I only have 4 years left to complete it!

Happy New Year everyone!  May 2015 bring you happiness, good health and a whole lot of knitting!


  1. You are amazing! Still not sure how one person can create so many wonderful things in 12 months! Ok. I'm inspired. I will be brave enough to crack open the chest and peek at the UFO pile, including the baby blanket for the child who is now 5. ugh.

    1. Fear and inspiration awaits in equal amounts Becky! Crack it open and dive in!


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