Track your Stash: A Worksheet for 4 Strands Sweater

Body & Sleeves
Tracking Sheet for alternating yarns

The key to making the Sleeves of your 4 Strands Sweater match the Body is through careful tracking. Print this worksheet out and keep it with your pattern to make this tracking easier. *tip:  weigh the stash yarns that you plan to use for the body of your sweater and reserve ½ of each color for working the sleeves.

B: Body
S1: Sleeve 1
S2: Sleeve 2     

Fill in the number of rounds for each yarn used and check the Body, Sleeve 1 &  Sleeve 2 boxes once completed.

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

B   S1  S2
⬜ ⬜  ⬜ _____rounds _____________________________________________(yarn)

Don't have 4 Strands Sweater Pattern yet? Grab your FREE download here: 4 Strands Sweater


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