Acrylic Yarn = A Near-Death Experience

True Story:

The yarn shop where I work has a loft devoted to acrylic yarns. I was recently up there assisting a customer select the perfect yarn for a baby blanket that she wished to make.

She settled on some lovely pale blue, which she then loaded into my arms so that I could carry it downstairs to the register. At the top of the stairs, the toe of my shoe caught the metal carpet-guard thingy on the first step. I pitched forward abruptly....

To Die For yarns featured: 
Cloud Nine from Blue Moon Fiber Arts,
 Sun River by Alexandra's Crafts 
& Smooshy with Cashmere 
by Dream in Color Yarns. 
Find these yarns (and so much more)
They say that when you have a near-death experience, your life flashes before your eyes. Let me tell you: It Does! In this moment, I fully envisioned taking a header down those stairs, arms full of baby yarn! Not a pleasant thought. In fact, the thought pissed me off! There was no way I was going down like this!

You may think that the perfect end for a yarniac such as myself would be to die in a yarn shop. But not in this way: Arms full of someone else's yarn? Acrylic Yarn??

Absolutely not! If I am to plunge to my death in a yarn shop, I had better be clutching CASHMERE!!


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