
Collaborations during this pandemic have been my sanity-savers! I've had the great fortune to work with Leann Bleakney of Silver Falls Fiber Company on several sweater patterns. Her beautiful hand-dyed yarns and keen color-sense have kept the hand-wringing at bay and have given my hands the opportunity to stay busy creating 3 new sweater patterns! Sweater #1: Hi Lo Tee Sweater #2: Times Like These Sweater #3: Slip Into Days These patterns were written during quarantine due to Covid-19 (a time when keeping track of the day of the week seemed futile if not unnecessary). Throughout quarantine I found myself repeatedly reminded of the song, Tea for One by Led Zeppelin: How come twenty four hours Baby sometimes seem to slip into days? Oh, twenty-four hours Baby sometimes seem to slip into days, yeah One minute seems like a lifetime Oh baby, when I feel this way Sittin' lookin' at the clock Time moves so slow I've been watchin' for the hands to move Unt...