Move It!

Over the last 4 weeks, we have been in the process of moving. Preparing for a move is when you discover that you and your family have secretly become hoarders—holding fast to random bits of paper, toys with missing battery backs, stuffed animals that the real animals have literally “loved to pieces”! And don’t get me started on all the phone chargers and electronics cords—most of which belong to items you no longer own! Ugh!! My brain has been so jammed-up with to-do lists and schedule keeping that I haven’t had the time (or spare brain-cells) to focus on my knitting. I miss it. My baskets and notebooks overflow with projects that I long to return to—only I don’t dare risk it with my scattered mind and shredded hands (packing really does a number on your hands-- I think even my hang-nails have hang-nails at this point)! With the move finally completed, we begin to unpack, and one phrase keeps ringing throughout our new home: ...